Yunnc lifestyle Service Limited

General Information

Company Profile

Specialised in characteristic tourism, we bring you brand-new travel experiences and provide you with one-stop services from advice to bookings. We believe through the trips, not only your physical and mental health get healed, but your horizons will also be broadened!

Our concept of "RE-TRAVEL" is refresh, reborn and relax.

Unit 130, 3/F Glory Industrial Building, 22 Lee Chung Street
Tel No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    Australien & Neuseeland: Rank 4
    Europa: Rank 7
    Indien & Indischer Subkontinent: Rank 1
    China (Festland): Rank 9
    Naher Osten: Rank 2
    Südostasien: Rank 3
    Andere: Rank 10