First Sleeper Trains of Express Rail Link Arrive in Hong Kong HKTB Welcomes Visitors with Souvenirs

Post Date: 16 Jun 2024

The first sleeper trains of the Express Rail Link (XRL) from Beijing and Shanghai arrived in Hong Kong this morning (16 June). The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) welcomed the first batch of passengers on the trains at Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and handed out souvenirs to the visitors.


Mr Kevin Yeun, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Toursim (fourth from right), Ms Vivian Sum, Commissioner for Tourism (third from right) and Ms Becky Ip, Deputy Executive Director of the Hong Kong Tourism Board (second from right) welcome the first batch of passengers arriving in Hong Kong on sleeper trains of XRL.
HKTB gives out souvenirs to the first batch of passengers arriving in Hong Kong on sleeper trains of XRL.