Unicorn Travel Management Ltd

General Information

Company Profile
Established in 1990 by a group of veteran travel professional, Unicorn Travel Management Ltd. operates incoming travel and related arrangements for Hong Kong and China. Services include FITs and group tour programmes, reservationsfor hotels and service apartments, free-and-easy packages, special interested tours, MICE groups and in particular, hotel reservation for Canton Trade Fair. Also available is "Noble Tours", an up-market wholesale tour programm of English speaking tours in China and Hong Kong on a join-in basis.
Unit 2806, 28th Floor, Trendy Centre, 682 Castle Peak Road
Tel No.:
Fax No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    Europe: Rank 2
    Inde et sous-continent indien: Rank 2
    Moyen-Orient: Rank 1
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 70
    Outbound Business %: 30