Kreative GSA Limited

General Information

Company Profile

Kreative GSA Limited is established on 2017 and is specializing in Airlines’ representations as a GSA (General Sales Agent) in both Passenger & Cargo products. Our company also specializes in a range of services to our Global DMCs (Destination Management Company) partners with focus in the Tourism & MICE markets from China, Hong Kong and Macau .

Room F2-626, 6th Floor, Block 2, Hang Fung Industrial Building
Tel No.:
Fax No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande: Rank 12
    Europe: Rank 1
    Inde et sous-continent indien: Rank 3
    Japon: Rank 9
    Corée: Rank 8
    Chine continentale: Rank 5
    Moyen-Orient: Rank 4
    Russie: Rank 11
    Asie du Sud-Est: Rank 2
    Taïwan: Rank 7
    Autres: Rank 13
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 60
    Outbound Business %: 40
  • Market Share
    Country/Region % Share
    CHINA 10
    FRANCE 20
    OTHERS 5
    POLAND 60