BusPro Bus Services Co.,Ltd

General Information

Company Profile
Hong Kong BUSPRO provides tourist bus services to customers. It is a non-franchised bus company in Hong Kong that provides reliable, simple and convenient tourist bus rental services. The parent company is: Kinson Transportation Co., Ltd, which was founded by Hong Kong in 1984.
Flat J, 24/F, Room 7, Superluck Industrial Centre Phase 2, 57 Sha Tsui Road
Tel No.:
Fax No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande: Rank 3
    Europe: Rank 2
    Inde et sous-continent indien: Rank 11
    Japon: Rank 5
    Corée: Rank 5
    Chine continentale: Rank 3
    Moyen-Orient: Rank 9
    Russie: Rank 8
    Asie du Sud-Est: Rank 1
    Taïwan: Rank 2
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 50
    Outbound Business %: 50
  • Market Share
    Country/Region % Share
    東南亞 30
    香港 70
  • Track Record
    Event No. of Participants Year
    本地東南亞團5天 100 2018