Well C Travel Limited

General Information

Company Profile

About KKday Founded in 2014, KKday is Asia’s leading travel experience e-commerce platform with over five million users and 11 offices across Asia. Today, the platform offers more than 30,000 unique experiences in 550 cities and 92 countries. KKday aims to provide users with seamless access to endless lifestyle experiences, from local theme parks and top restaurants to staycations and multi-day hiking trips. For more information, please visit https://www.kkday.com/en. For travel operators and activity providers who are interested in Rezio, you may download the app for iOS at http://bit.ly/RezIO or Android at http://bit.ly/rezIO. Feel free to contact apply-system@rezio.io with any questions. Well C Travel Limited is a licensed travel agent (License No. 353679) in Hong Kong which establishes a business collaboration with KKday.com on an exclusive basis using KKday for its sales and distribution of travel packages and products in Hong Kong.

Office 502, 5/F, Eastmark, 21 Sheung Yuet Road
Tel No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande: Rank 5
    Europe: Rank 7
    Inde et sous-continent indien: Rank 12
    Japon: Rank 2
    Corée: Rank 3
    Chine continentale: Rank 6
    Moyen-Orient: Rank 9
    Russie: Rank 11
    Asie du Sud-Est: Rank 4
    Taïwan: Rank 1