Goharvest Travel Limited

General Information

Company Profile
Established in 2018 by The Institute for Integrated Rural Development Hong Kong, GoHarvest is the first social enterprise travel agency in Hong Kong to obtain membership in the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong. We are committed to providing tourism products with a unique concept of sustainable development, such as holiday camps, exchange, retreats, guided tours, and educational activities for corporate/institutes/non-profit organizations. Concept As a result of long working hours, the time to accompany the children were deprived of their poor parents. Thus, most poor households find it difficult to cope with the cost of extracurricular activities due to financial problems, resulting in the loss of learning opportunities and the chance to access to new things and new people. Therefore, it is hoped that our matching fund can help to reduce the financial burden of grassroots families and providing equal amusement rights for grassroots children. Matching Fund GoHarvest will allocate no less than 30% of its profits to the grassroots families every year through social reinvestment. Through the "Travel Buddy Matching" method, every ten travelers will be supporting a grassroots family member to travel/participate in guided tours or interest classes. Features -Experience-oriented -Diverse choices -Flexible participation We also offer customized products or services to adjust your needs, please feel free to discuss with us.
Unit D, 6/F, Office Plus, 303 Hennessy Road
Tel No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    Australien & Neuseeland: Rank 3
    Europa: Rank 3
    Indien & Indischer Subkontinent: Rank 2
    Japan: Rank 1
    Korea: Rank 1
    China (Festland): Rank 1
    Naher Osten: Rank 1
    Südostasien: Rank 1
    Taiwan: Rank 1
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 50
    Outbound Business %: 50
  • Market Share
    Country/Region % Share
    china 20
    macau 30
    Others 40
    Taiwan 10
  • Track Record
    Event No. of Participants Year
    澳門童理會香港遊(專為特殊兒童設計行程) 115 2019