King Star Travel Co., Ltd.

General Information

Company Profile
Since its opening in 2001, King Star Travel is one of the largest tour operator in Hong Kong. Offering a wide range of regular sightseeing tours, evening tours, cruises and many more are operating daily.
Shop B109, 1/B, Regal Kowloon Hotel, 71 Mody Road
Tel No.:
Fax No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    Australien & Neuseeland: Rank 13
    Europa: Rank 13
    Indien & Indischer Subkontinent: Rank 13
    Japan: Rank 1
    Korea: Rank 1
    China (Festland): Rank 1
    Naher Osten: Rank 7
    Südostasien: Rank 13
    Taiwan: Rank 1
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 95
    Outbound Business %: 5
  • Market Share
    Country/Region % Share
    Europe, UK & USA 50
    SE Asia 50