

Produkte / Dienstleistungen:

Eine Auflistung der touristischen Produkte und Services

BrancheProdukte / DienstleistungenBeschreibungUnternehmen
Travel Agencies (Inbound) Ground Handling in HK The Pace of Hong Kong (Walking Tour)Tour 3.0
Retail, Dining & Shopping Malls Shopping, Bars, Dining Private MICE dinner with delicate Cantonese cuisineTim's Kitchen
Retail, Dining & Shopping Malls Shopping, Bars, Dining Charterable dining venues with harbour viewTien Yi Restaurant
Retail, Dining & Shopping Malls Shopping, Bars, Dining Dining venues with tropical garden backdrop The Verandah Restaurant
Transportation Accommodation and Transport Star Ferry Victoria Harbour Cruise for CharteringThe Star Ferry Company, Limited
Attractions / Visitor Facilities Attractions, Seasonal Festivals, Events Incentive Idea on the PeakThe Peak Tower Limited
Retail, Dining & Shopping Malls Shopping, Bars, Dining MICE dining at the Peak The Peak Lookout Restaurant
Accommodation Accommodation and Transport Timeless European elegance. The most fashionable address. Personalised service is always in style. World-class cuisine. The Langham, Hong Kong hotel is unlike any other.The Langham, Hong Kong
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