HKTB Announces Provisional Visitor Arrivals for April

Datum: 14 Mai 2024

The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) announced that the provisional visitor arrivals for April was 3.4 million, a 20% year-on-year increase. Non-Mainland markets recorded an increase of more than 50% from the same period last year. For short-haul markets, driven by the end of Ramadan, visitor arrivals from Indonesia increased by more than 80% from the same period of 2023. In terms of longhaul markets such as the US and Canada, visitor arrivals also increased by more than 80% year on year.


Cumulatively, a total of 14.62 million visitors arrived in Hong Kong from January to April this year, doubling the figure of the same period last year (i.e. between January and April 2023).


Provisional visitor arrivals in April 2024

Markets April
(year-on-year change)
January to April
(year-on-year change)
Mainland 2,483,291(+7.8%) 11,178,187(+97.3%)
Non-Mainland* 908,090(+54.4%) 3,441,992(+109.6%)
Short-haul 471,603(+69.8%) 1,879,572(+148.3%)
Long-haul 294,000(+72.8%) 992,360(+130.8%)
New markets 62,024(+101.3%) 199,684(+196.8%)
Total 3,391,381(+17.3%) 14,620,179(+100.1%)

Note: Because of rounding, the total may differ from the sum of the individual figures.
*Includes figures from long-haul, short-haul and new markets, as well as the Macao SAR.

(Full details of April 2024 visitor arrivals will be released on 31 May.)