HKTB Announces Provisional Visitor Arrivals for July HKTB Continues to Present Drone Shows and Pyrotechnic Displays to Tie in with Festivals and Events

Datum: 15 Aug 2024

The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) announced that the provisional visitor arrivals for July were 3.92 million, increasing by about 10% from the same period last year. About half of the visitors stayed overnight. Cumulatively, Hong Kong received about 25 million visitors from January to July this year, a 52% year-on-year increment. This includes 19.3 million Mainland visitors and 5.8 million Non-Mainland visitors, a 47% and 71% year-on-year increase respectively.


Provisional visitor arrivals in July 2024

Markets July
(year-on-year change)
January to July
(year-on-year change)
Mainland 3,140,563(+5.5%) 19,281,426(+47.3%)
Non-Mainland* 781,067(+27.5%) 5,791,439(+71.1%)
Short-haul 405,428(+32.1%) 3,158,345(+90.4%)
Long-haul 217,632(+32.1%) 1,614,655(+81.0%)
New markets 46,658(+63.1%) 362,077(+135%)
Total 3,921,630(+9.3%) 25,072,865(+52.2%)

Note: Because of rounding, the total may differ from the sum of the individual figures.
*Includes figures from long-haul, short-haul and new markets, as well as the Macao SAR.

(Full details of July 2024 visitor arrivals will be released on 30 August.)


Exciting performances showcase different themes and event and festive elements


Starting from May this year, HKTB presents a series of drone shows and pyrotechnic displays to tie in with festivals and events in town to enrich visitors’ experience and encourage the local public to enjoy the shows, enhancing the overall festive ambience and event appeal.


Taking as examples the drone shows held in May and June, which came in the themes of the Cheung Chau Bun Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival respectively, the HKTB’s survey reveals that, on a scale of 10, the satisfaction ratings of visitors watching the shows were 9 and 9.2 points. More than 90% of the tourists surveyed agreed that the campaign had enhanced their experience of visiting Hong Kong, and more than 95% said they would recommend it to their friends and relatives. As many as 98% of the surveyed locals and 96% of the tourists indicated that they would be interested in participating in the event again. Respondents appreciated the design of the drone shows and found the theme fit for the festival. They also found the dynamic show interesting with a strong festive ambience.


In the coming months, HKTB will continue to organise drone shows and pyrotechnic displays to tie in with festivals and events in town, and is actively discussing the details of collaborations with different organisers. On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival (17 September, Tuesday), HKTB will present a festival-themed drone show. In November, the festive season of Christmas and New Year’s Eve in December, HKTB will stage pyrotechnic displays and a drone show for “Hong Kong WinterFest”, and a firework display for “Hong Kong New Year Countdown Celebrations”.


The trade encouraged to offer relevant products to drive spending


The public should take note that outdoor performances are subject to the impacts of various external factors such as weather and venue conditions. The exact performance dates may be revised based on the partnership arrangements between HKTB and various organisations. HKTB will announce the updates as soon as possible to facilitate visitors and locals to plan their itinerary ahead. The trade is also encouraged to launch more products and offerings alongside the performances to drive spending in town, so as to maximise the tourism contributions.