Holiday Express Travel Service Ltd

General Information

Company Profile
Holiday Express Travel Service Limited (Holiday Express) is a travel agent that provides one-stop traveling services, including hotel, air-ticket, long haul package, short haul package, villa, local tour, yacht and travel insurance. We provide all-round traveling itineraries and information at reasonable price. You can enjoy the professional services from us. Holiday Express is the best choice for high quality and professional traveling services.
Unit 1618, International Trade Centre, 11-19 Sha Tsui Road
Tel No.:
Fax No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    アメリカ: Rank 7
    ヨーロッパ: Rank 6
    インド & インド亜大陸: Rank 12
    日本: Rank 3
    韓国: Rank 4
    中国本土: Rank 5
    中東: Rank 11
    ロシア: Rank 10
    東南アジア: Rank 1
    台湾: Rank 2
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 20
    Outbound Business %: 80