The Perkin Hotel

General Information

Company Profile
The Perkin is a stylish boutique hotel built on the ideals of a sumptuous night’s sleep and sensible prices, and catering to travelers who crave the privacy, fun, and easy-going adventure that conventional cookie-cutter hotels rarely offer. The Access is the hotel’s communal lounge, offering a secure and fun area to work or purely to hang out. The Access is also the social heart where guests can connect with like-minded adventurers over freshly-brewed coffee and soft drinks.
5th Floor, No.6 Knutsford Terrace, Observatory Road
Tel No.:
Fax No.:
Last Refurbished Year:
Nearest MTR Station:

Other Information

  • Rooms
    Type From (HK$) To (HK$) No. of Rooms Remarks
    Double 850 6000 36
    Twin 850 6000 10
    Suite 1000 8000 4
    Total No of Room: 50
  • Market Preference
    アメリカ: Rank 1
    ヨーロッパ: Rank 1
    インド & インド亜大陸: Rank 1
    日本: Rank 1
    韓国: Rank 1
    中国本土: Rank 1
    中東: Rank 1
    ロシア: Rank 1
    東南アジア: Rank 1
    台湾: Rank 1
    その他: Rank 1
  • Business Mix
    Corporate %: 20
    Leisure - FIT %: 80