Pat Lee Travel Limited

General Information

Company Profile

Founded in 2003 with nearly 20 years of experience for good reputation.
Main services include Private & Customized Tours, Overseas Study Tours, Worldwide Hotel Reservation, Air Ticket Reservation, Tour Bus Rental Services, as well as business travel package and so on.
Tourists guides have formal government licenses and many years of experience.
In addition, we have close relationship with worldwide travel agencies, in order to provide customers with perfect services.

Room 318, 3/F, Pang Kwong Building, No. 59 Hung To Road
Tel No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    アメリカ: Rank 6
    ヨーロッパ: Rank 11
    インド & インド亜大陸: Rank 12
    日本: Rank 4
    韓国: Rank 5
    中国本土: Rank 1
    中東: Rank 10
    ロシア: Rank 8
    東南アジア: Rank 2
    台湾: Rank 3
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 30
    Outbound Business %: 70
  • Market Share
    Country/Region % Share
    中國 70
    香港 30