General Information

Company Profile
Avonwin Holdings Tours Limited (abbreviation: Avonwin) was opened in 2003, and the travel agency license number is 352960. The main business includes the sale of tickets for theme parks or parks, the hosting of tour groups in China and Southeast Asia and one-day tours in Hong Kong; in addition, we also book Hong Kong tourist buses and cross-border direct buses, business private cars, airline tickets around the world, and hotels in Hong Kong, China and Macau And other services. With the development of diversified business, we also provide travel services for our valued customers to meet the needs of customers at different levels. As for the development of the tourism business, quality services and genuine prices are our main principles, and we do not attract customers by means of price and other means. Therefore, the theme park tickets we provide are the most competitive. In this era of fierce competition in the tourism industry, we are guided by the principles of seeking truth from facts, pragmatic innovation, loyalty and reliability, and customer-orientation, adhering to the spirit of group service and providing quality tourism services to the public. The Group has its own fleet, and all one-day trips in Hong Kong use luxury buses with an average age of not less than five years, so that customers can enjoy a comfortable journey.
Room 301, Longfield Centre, 129-131 Castle Peak Road
Tel No.:
Fax No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    アメリカ: Rank 1
    ヨーロッパ: Rank 1
    インド & インド亜大陸: Rank 1
    日本: Rank 10
    韓国: Rank 10
    中国本土: Rank 13
    中東: Rank 1
    ロシア: Rank 8
    東南アジア: Rank 9
    台湾: Rank 10
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 50
    Outbound Business %: 50
  • Market Share
    Country/Region % Share
    中國 100