Yun Ming Travel Service Co Ltd

General Information

Company Profile
Yun Ming Travel Company Limited ( Yun Ming Holiday ) Lincese No. 353519 , is the professional quality services in Hotel, Air-ticket reservation media. It has established in Hong Kong and Shenzhen China by 2010. The major business are provided to the resources of hotel reservation services both in Hong Kong and Macau. Recently, we have more than 20 Hong Kong, Macau hotels established business by monthly in relating to us under the pattern of G.T.D. . Wholesale to the country in China, United State, Europe, Southeast Asia Travel Servicer. Also, we have the package services in providing the ticketing of Hong Kong Scenic, Shipping ticket to Macau, Air-ticket in China and outside Hong Kong. We make all the passenger in a comfortable for the traveling.
Room 1106, Wealth Commercial Centre, 48 Kwong Wah Street
Tel No.:
Fax No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    호주 & 뉴질랜드: Rank 7
    유럽: Rank 12
    인도 & 인도 아대륙: Rank 5
    일본: Rank 6
    한국: Rank 4
    중국: Rank 1
    중동: Rank 3
    러시아: Rank 11
    동남아시아: Rank 2
    대만: Rank 8
    기타: Rank 6
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 80
    Outbound Business %: 20
  • Market Share
    Country/Region 점유율 %
    china 50