EMJ International Co Ltd

General Information

Company Profile

GoMyPlan.com (GMP) is a platform which can help your planning process by the AI curated plans and other attractive features.

At GMP, users can choose one of the pre-designed plans that best describes their needs and customize the itineraries according to their preferences. Then, they will be able to share the plan with members to optimize by the AI generated suggestions. The platform will provide checklist which facilitate arranging necessary documents and other preparations before the journey begins. Not only that, but users can also choose to purchase a part of plan, and the bills can be split with friends if needed.

GMP also assists source providers by sharing profit when the plan was sold and highly rated by the users.

Through this automation process, both suppliers and end-users can save time and money by directly dealing in a safe marketplace. Ultimately, we believe our business model will be the pioneer of the tourism industry in the post-COVID period.

Room 1705, 17/F, 700 Nathan Road,Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
Tel No.:

Other Information

  • Market Preference
    일본: Rank 2
    한국: Rank 1
  • Business Mix
    Inbound Business %: 100
  • Market Share
    Country/Region 점유율 %
    Korea 100