Values in Action: Trust, Resilience and Innovation

发布日期: 2024年05月13日

UNHCR conducted the Chain Reaction activity, in which teams were provided with blueprints to construct a sequence of machines that needed to be linked together. Collaborators relied on each other's trust to complete their designated machines. As the teams connected their machines, resilience became essential in surmounting obstacles and making necessary adaptations. Innovation played a pivotal role as teams experimented with the machines and reached a consensus on a final design.

Subsequent to the Chain Reaction, teams participated in a meaningful dialogue regarding how Trust, Resilience, and Innovation were employed throughout the team-building exercise. This conversation covered achievements, areas for improvement, and practical applications in the workplace, incorporating insights from the facilitator to enhance the learning process.


View full story here: Values in Action: Trust, Resilience and Innovation (

联络人 : Stuart Harris
电话: 30015872