
25 Nov 2016 - 1 Jan 2017
Enjoy the sparkling Christmas ambience throughout the whole city with seasonal events, special shopping offers and menus to get you in the festive mood.
Hong Kong International Races
11 December 2016
One of the biggest day in Hong Kong's racing calendar, the Hong Kong International Races held at Sha Tin attracts the world's top jockeys, horses and trainers.
The Great European Carnival
16 Dec 2016 - 12 Feb 2017
The AIA Great European Carnival, returns to Central Harbourfront including rides, games, attractions and entertainment throughout the winter months.
Countdown Celebrations

31 December 2016
Join the throngs of cheering revellers along Hong Kong's waterfront to watch the radiant Victoria Harbour light up with the spectacular pyromusical display to ring in the new year.

As we wind down to the end of year, this month we feature exploring the great outdoors, check out Time Out Hong Kong's 50 cheap eats and enjoy various winter festivities in town.

Best wishes,
The HKTB Team

Great Outdoors Hong Kong

Hong Kong is home to over 260 outlying islands, remote beaches and scenic hiking trails. To discover the serene side with a range of guided tours throughout November and December, click here. Read more
Lucky 8

This month's Lucky 8 has been provided by Tijana Jaksic who writes the content for Flight Centre Travel Group. Tijana is pictured here on the far right enjoying the skyline views at a rooftop bar.
Time Out Hong Kong cheap eats

The Time Out Hong Kong food team sorts 50 of the cheapest eats under HK$50 (approx AU$8.50) in town into the five various food groups.
For more information, click here.
Recipe – Spicy bean sauce & garlic chicken feet

This month, we share Aussie chef, Manu's spicy bean sauce & garlic chicken feet from his new TV show, Around the World with Manu.
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