Stay Connected and Be the First to Reap the Benefits of the QTS Scheme

Participation in the QTS Scheme gives accredited merchants tremendous opportunities to promote their brand and maximise their exposure. Stay connected with HKTB and don’t miss out on all these great opportunities! Below are some highlights of the benefits QTS merchants enjoyed in the past few months.

Partnership with Dianping in Mainland China
Digital Coupon Promotion in Peak Seasons
Promoting QTS Scheme via Popular Media in Mainland China
Visa Quality Privileges Programme
Hong Kong Tourism Overview 2016

Partnership with Dianping in Mainland China

Starting in November 2015, HKTB integrated its “Hong Kong Value Offer” mobile app with Dianping, the largest user-generated review website in China, reaching 180 million mobile users. This strategic collaboration further promotes the QTS Scheme and offers an ideal platform for QTS-accredited merchants to engage more Mainland visitors to Hong Kong with digital coupons.

Digital Coupon Promotion in Peak Seasons

The festive Christmas and Chinese New Year are peak tourism and shopping seasons for Hong Kong. HKTB strengthened the promotion of the digital coupons provided by QTS-accredited merchants in hopes of drawing greater numbers of visitors to Hong Kong with special offers on shopping and dining over the holidays.

QTS-accredited merchants are welcome to use these platforms to generate more business opportunities. If you are interested or have enquiries, please contact the QTS Marketing Team via DT Communications Asia Pacific at 3696 6951 or by email at qts.offers@dt-asia.com.

Promoting QTS Scheme via Popular Media in Mainland China

HKTB promoted Hong Kong WinterFest via print advertisements in 10 popular Mainland media, including Shenyang Evening News, Dalian Daily and The Beijing News, focusing on the exciting offers and activities in this mega event. The advertisements also highlighted the benefits of the QTS Scheme for visitors and encouraged them to patronise QTS-accredited merchants for quality service experience during their visit.

Visa Quality Privileges Programme

HKTB extended its sustained and successful partnership with Visa from 15 December 2015 to 14 June 2016 through the Visa Quality Privileges Programme, delivering even greater benefits for participating QTS-accredited merchants. Various communication items, including websites, leaflets, print ads, digital panel at the airport and social media, have been launched to promote the participating QTS-accredited merchants and the programme, which allows merchants to generate business by providing special privileges to local and visiting Visa cardholders.

Hong Kong Tourism Overview 2016

The Hong Kong Tourism Overview 2016, a one-day event focusing on goals and initiatives for promoting the city’s tourism industry will be held on 31 March 2016 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Key tourism industry leaders, professionals and travel trade partners will be invited to attend this annual event and share extensive information on current and forecasted industry trends in Hong Kong and around the world. Invitations have been sent to all QTS-accredited merchants. If you have yet replied your attendance, please contact our marketing agency, DT Communications Asia Pacific, at 3696 6966 or by email at qts@dt-asia.com.