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ITB NOW 2021 |
Le Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) et ses 39 co-exposants de Hong Kong sont ravis de vous accueillir au salon virtuel ITB Berlin Now du 9 au 12 mars 2021.
Vous trouverez leurs informations ci-dessous. Pour prendre rendez-vous avec HKTB Paris ou pour toute autre demande, écrivez-nous à parwwo@hktb.com
Agences: |
- ATI Travel Contact: Richard Woss,
Email: info@atitravel.com.hk, Site: http://www.atitravel.com.hk/
- C & A Tours Ltd Contact: Bernard Cham,
Email: mgt@cnatours.com, Site: https://www.cnatours.com/
- Deep Travel Limited Contact: Tsz Ling Tse,
Email: nicoletse@deeptravel.hk, Site: https://www.deeptravel.hk/
- Excella Travel HK Ltd Contact: Amrit Sethi,
Email: amrit@excellatravel.com, Site: https://excellatravel.com/
- Destination (Asia-HongKong) Travel Ltd Contact: Anne TAM,
Email: hkg@destination-hongkong.com, Site: https://www.destination-asia.com/hong-kong/
- Great Ocean Tours & Travel Limited Contact: Sandeep Mathur,
Email: sandeep@got-hk.com, Site: https://www.hongkongmacautour.com/
- Tour East Hong Kong, a division of JTB (Hong Kong) Ltd Contact: Eric Tsang,
Email: etsang@toureast.net, Site: https://www.toureast.net/destinations/tour-east-hong-kong/
- Tourasia Co. Ltd. - a brand of Jebsen Holidays Contact: Alan Wu,
Email: alan.wu@jebsenholidays.com, Site: http://www.tourasia.com.hk/
Hôtels: |
- Cordis, Hong Kong Contact: Edmond Kann,
Email: edmond.kan@cordishotels.com, Site: https://www.cordishotels.com/en/hong-kong/
- Dorsett Hospitality International Contact: Alec Chan,
Email: Alec.chan@dorsett.com, Site: https://www.dorsett.com/en/index.html
- Dorsett Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong Contact: Leo Hui,
Email: leo.hui@dorsetthotels.com, Site: https://www.dorsetthotels.com/en/dorsett-tsuen-wan/index.html
- Eaton HK Contact: Heidi Chan,
Email: heidi@eatonworkshop.com, Site: https://www.eatonworkshop.com/hotel/hong-kong
- Harbour Grand Hong Kong Contact: Becky Chan,
Email: beckyc@harbourgrand.com, Site: https://www.harbourgrand.com/hongkong/en/
- Harbour Grand Kowloon Contact: Martin Cheung,
Email: martinc@harbourgrand.com, Site: https://www.harbourgrand.com/kowloon/en/
- Harbour Plaza Metropolis & Kowloon Harbourfront Hotel Contact: Lucetta Chan,
Email: LucettaC@harbour-plaza.com, Site: https://www.harbour-plaza.com/metropolis/en/
- Harbour Plaza North Point Contact: Billy Wan,
Email: billyw@harbour-plaza.com, Site: https://www.harbour-plaza.com/northpoint/en/
- Hotel Alexandra Contact: Karen Chow,
Email: karenc@hotelalexandrahk.com, Site: https://www.hotelalexandrahk.com/en/home
- The Kowloon Hotel Contact: Stephanie Ng,
Email: stephanien@harbour-plaza.com, Site: https://www.harbour-plaza.com/kowloonhotel/en/
- Lan Kwai Fong Hotel @ Kau U Fong Contact: Vanessa Chung,
Email: vanessachung@lankwaifonghotel.com.hk, Site: https://www.dcollection.com/en/lan-kwai-fong-hotel-kau-u-fong/index.html
- New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel Contact: Michael Tse,
Email: michael.tse@newworldmillenniumhotel.com, Site: https://newworldmillenniumhotel.com/en/
- OZO Wesley Hong Kong Contact: Kitty Lam,
Email: kitty.lam@onyx-hospitality.com, Site: https://www.ozohotels.com/wesley-hongkong
- Park Hotel Hong Kong Contact: Peggy Lo,
Email: peggy.lo@parkhotelgroup.com, Site: https://www.parkhotelgroup.com/en/hongkong
- Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon Contact: Mavis Tang,
Email: mavis.tang@pentahotelsasia.com Site: https://www.pentahotels.com/hk/
- Regal Hotels International Contact: Willy Luk,
Email: willy.luk@regalhotel.com, Site: https://www.regalhotel.com/regal-hotels-international/en/home/home.html
- Royal Plaza Hotel Contact: Kurt Leung,
Email: kurtleung@royalplaza.com.hk, Site: https://www.royalplaza.com.hk/en/
- sáv Hospitality Contact: Stella Cheung,
Email: stellacheung@hotelsav.com, Site: http://savhospitality.com/
- Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung Hotel Contact: Kevin Lam,
Email: kevin.lam@sheraton.com, Site: https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/hkgsc-sheraton-hong-kong-tung-chung-hotel/
- The Cityview Contact: Sylvia Wong,
Email: sylviawong@thecityview.com.hk, Site: https://thecityview.com.hk/en/index.php
- The Harbourview Contact: Ray Chung,
Email: raychung@theharbourview.com.hk, Site: https://www.theharbourview.com.hk/
- The Langham, Hong Kong Contact: Mavis Lee,
Email: mavis.lee@langhamhotels.com, Site: https://www.langhamhotels.com/en/the-langham/hong-kong/
- The Park Lane Hong Kong, A Pullman Hotel Contact: Simon Yeung,
Email: simonyeung@parklane.com.hk, Site: https://www.parklane.com.hk/
- The Royal Garden Contact: Joseph Lai,
Email: josephlai@rghk.com.hk, Site: https://www.rghk.com.hk/
- The Salisbury - YMCA of Hong Kong Contact: Iris Lam,
Email: irislam@ymcahk.org.hk, Site: http://www.ymcahk.org.hk/thesalisbury/en/home/index.html
Activités / Autres: |
- Ngong Ping 360 Limited Contact: Angela Sue,
Email: angela.sue@np360.com.hk, Site: https://www.np360.com.hk/en/
- Ocean Park Corporation Contact: Phyllis Lai,
Email: phyllis.lai@oceanpark.com.hk, Site: https://www.oceanpark.com.hk/en
- sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck Contact: Janice Yau,
Email: janiceyau@sky100.com.hk, Site: https://sky100.com.hk/en/
- Worldwide Cruise Terminals Contact: Henry Wong,
Email: mice@worldwidecruiseterminals.com.hk, Site: https://www.kaitakcruiseterminal.com.hk/
- Worldwide Flight Services Holding S.A. Contact: Rosa Dagum,
Email: rdagum@worldwideflight.com.hk, Site: https://www.hkairportconcierge.com/
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If you want to change your Email address or have any comments, concerns or related questions, please contact us at partnernet@hktb.com.
Every effort has been made to provide up-to-date facts but the Hong Kong Tourism Board shall not be responsible for any inadvertent mistakes, omissions or information changes. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, arrive late, or contain viruses. We therefore do not accept liability for any errors, omissions or damages which arise as a result of transmission over the Internet.
Hong Kong Tourism Board, 9th - 11th Floors, Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, North Point, Hong Kong |