Frequently Asked Questions
- Where can I obtain the statistics related to tourism from the HKTB?
All HKTB Research Publications are available (from 2002 and onwards) at HKTB’s PartnerNet website under the “Research & Statistics” section.
Simply follow the below steps to access to the research statistics
If you have the “Username” and Password”:
- Visit HKTB PartnerNet website ( and click “Login to My PartnerNet” to login and then click “Research Publications” under the “Research Statistics” section.
If you do not have the “Username” and “Password”:
- Click the “Sign Up Now for PartnerNet” button and register as an “Individual (free of charge)”;
- Upon registration, click the “Login to My PartnerNet” button and enter your “Username” and “Password”.
- Click “Research Publications” under the “Research Statistics” section.
- If I forgot my “Password”, what should I do?
You may go to the landing page of “Login to My PartnerNet” and click the button “Forgot Password” to reset your password.
- When will the latest “Visitor Arrival Statistics” and “Hotel Room Occupancy Rate” be available at HKTB’s PartnerNet website?
The reported month of Visitor Arrival Statistics and Hotel Room Occupancy Rate will be available at HKTB’s PartnerNet website on the last working day of the following month.
- Where can I obtain the information on number of Mainland arrivals under the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS)?
The number of Mainland arrivals under the IVS Scheme are published in the below 2 publications.
- Under table 22 in “Visitor Arrival Statistics”, a monthly publication;
- Under table 1.8 in “A Statistical Review of Hong Kong Tourism”, an annual publication.
- Where can I obtain the information on breakdown of Mainland visitor arrivals by city, municipality or province?
There is no actual breakdown of Mainland visitor arrivals by city, municipality or province. We only publish the estimated percentage share of Overnight Mainland Visitors breakdown by major provinces / cities in our annual publication “Visitor Profile” under the “Sub-Market Section” (Data source from HKTB Departing Visitor Survey).
- Is there any Hotel Classification System in Hong Kong? Where can I obtain the list of hotels by category?
The Hong Kong Hotel Classification System features five key indicators including “facilities”, “location”, “staff-to-room Ratio”, “average achieved room rates” and “business mix”. The total score of a hotel is compiled based on the scores obtained for the indicator and established according to a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Please note that public listing of hotels by category is not available. However, individual hotels are informed of their respective category so that they can compare their own performance against their own category.
- I need some statistics relating to Hong Kong Resident Departures, where can I obtain it?
We only publish the total number of Hong Kong Resident Departures by mode of transport in our monthly publication “Visitor Arrivals Statistics” under table 23.
- I want to know more about visitors’ characteristics to Hong Kong. How long do they stay? Who do they come with? What are the most popular tourist attractions and main shopping items in Hong Kong?
The annual publication “Visitor Profile Report” provides an in-depth overview of the travel characteristics of overnight visitors to Hong Kong, including but not limited to:
- The percentage of the places visited/goods purchased in Hong Kong;
- Visitor characteristics such as sex, age, marital status and occupation;
- Per capita spending and spending patterns, and;
- The percentage share of overnight visitors by the city of origin.
- Where can I obtain the information on Hotel Occupancy Rate and Average Achieved Room Rate in Hong Kong?
Information on hotel room occupancy rate and average achieved room rate is published in our monthly “Hotel Room Occupancy Report”. Data is collected from a panel of participating accommodation businesses across the licensed serviced accommodation sector: hotels and guesthouses, which have responded to our Hotel Room Occupancy Survey each month.
- Where can I obtain the information on visitors’ spending in Hong Kong?
Information on spending by overnight visitors from key markets and same-day in-town visitors from major market areas is published in our bi-annual publication “Tourism Expenditure Associated to Inbound Tourism”, which provides information on visitors’ per capita spending as well as their spending by categories.
For all other questions and comments, please feel free to contact us at 2807 6389 or via email at